Customizing your treemapΒΆ

By default, lingtreemaps uses the parameter values shown below. The values in it can be overridden by passing a YAML file with the -c/--config option for lingtreemaps plot, or by passing arguments to lingtreemaps.plot(). In the latter scenario, note that YAML null corresponds to python None.

# When debugging, lingtreemaps will print the value of relevant
# configuration values.
# It will also show helping lines on the map.
debug: False

# Column connecting the language table and the "Clade" column in the
# feature table
id_col: "ID"

# Column of the language table to be printed at the leaves 
label_column: "ID"

# The filename. If unspecified, the name of the language table will
# be used.
filename: null

# File format of the output, e.g. pdf, svg, tif, png
file_format: "pdf"

# Additional (horizontal) padding between tree and map.
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
tree_map_padding: null

# How should the tree clades be sorted?
tree_sort_mode: min

# The absolute depth of the tree
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
tree_depth: null

# How far apart should leaves be?
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
leaf_spacing: null

# Paddings between the outer boundaries of the map and the rectangle
# in which languages are located.
internal_map_padding_x: 0.1
internal_map_padding_y: 0.1

# Color palette
seaborn_palette: "bright"

# Custom value:color associations
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will use the values in
# seaborn_palette
color_dict: null

# Use hatch patterns?
hatching: false

# Custom value:hatch pattern associations
hatch_dict: null

# Position of the legend
legend_position: "upper right"

# Size of the circles at the leaves
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
leaf_marker_size: 20

# Line weight of the circles at the leaves
leaf_lw: 1

# Line weight of the tree
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
tree_lw: null

# Size of the circles on the map
map_marker_size: 20

# Line weight of the circles on the map
map_marker_lw: 1

# Width of the lines connecting leafs and points on the map
connection_lw: 1

# Padding between the map and the image boundaries
external_map_padding: 0

# Font size for leaf labels, map labels, and the text_df labels
font_size: 4

# x shift of leaf labels
text_x_offset: 0.015

# y shift of leaf labels
text_y_offset: 0

# Padding between the root of the tree and the image boundaries
# If unspecified, lingtreemaps will guess.
base_padding: null

# Overall size of the legend
legend_size: 8

# Rotation of the map.
# Cannot be used with background="osm"
rotation: 0

# pyplot ax to be plotted on
ax: null

# Background. Current other option: "osm"
background: "countries+rivers"

# Position of the contributor attribution when using
# background="osm"
attribution_position: "bottomright"

# Specify a contextily map tile provider
cx_provider: null

# Print language labels next to the tree?
print_labels: true

# Color the lines leading to colored nodes?
color_tree: false

# Put circle markers onto proto-nodes?
nonterminal_nodes: false

A text_df must have the following columns: Latitude, Longitude, Label.